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Advanced CADD

How the world around us is designed




This course builds on students prior experiences in the prerequisite CADD course. We focus on three dimensional solid modeling, assembly and exploded rendering, and rapid prototyping. This course promotes creative desing and problem solving skills through technical challenges. Teamwork and communication skills are also primary focuses of many of the challenges that the students face. 


The course is currently in a state of transition. We recently received a gran to update our facility with new hardware and software. We have made a huge leap in software from Cadkey Workshop to the Autodesk Suite, Specifically we have been using Autodesk Inventor. This has been a big jump in capability for our students and the results have been promising. 


Additional improvements are in the works and updates will be posted here as they bcome available. 

Class Resources:



As class resources are tranfered to digital format they will be included here.


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